Tuesday 17 December 2013

Frozen Fire

In case you good people are wondering whether my title has some deep meaning or not; well, the title of this post is actually a combination of the two movies I watched back-to-back today. Frozen and Catching Fire. Yep, I hardly watch movies and its even rarer to watch TWO movies BACK-TO-BACK.

So Frozen came first and man were we confused over the timing. The cause of the confusion was actually me (sigh...sorry peeps ><) and therefore we were heatedly discussing whether we should go for the 2.20pm or 4.10pm because by 1.40pm a few of the peeps had only just woken up. Joy, even I felt that I would be late (those who know me know that I'm almost always early) so we settled on 4.10pm at Century Square.

Man, I know I just had a great dinner and lepak sesh with my peeps from secondary school last night but I couldn't help but have an urge to hug all of them there and weep, "I MISSED Y'ALL!" Hey, I love my friends alright. I swear everyone grew taller since I last saw them (or is it me shrinking? Damn) and Darra was sporting dyed hair tips, ultra cool but confession time: I had a fleeting impression of a squid/jellyfish but its gone now.

Frozen cut me emotionally but its just a flesh wound which sealed quite quickly. The story and emotions were great but a few jokes were inappropriately timed and the SINGING. Dammit Disney I love your movies but you can't have EVERYONE breaking into song at the unlikeliest of situations. Other than that, good work! 8/10

Catching Fire, holy crap I thought it was bad enough in the books and the movie added too much visuals and hurt and emotions to my image of the Hunger Games. Bloody hell there were much too many tender moments for me to handle and even though I knew who was going to die (I read the books long before the movies) it didn't make it hurt less when the deaths started to occur. As for Jennifer Lawrence, well let's spell it out: A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Amazing actress I say. Catching Fire: 9/10

One last thing, I'm in a Doge phase now (look up the 'doge meme') thanks to the Internet and a very good/fy friend. Been annoying the hell out of a lot of people and amusing myself by describing loads of things using Doge. So to end off today's post, let's Doge today's events!

Such movies
Much spend
Very popcorn

Stay cool and awesome everyone!

P.S I hope I get out of this Doge phase before I get locked up in a mental ward

Saturday 7 December 2013

Mice: A Birthday Tale

So yesterday was my birthday and it was also the first and last time (I hope not) my class held a double birthday celebration. Yep, you guessed it, I have a twin sister! Born in the same hospital no less but born two hours apart :P In addition, since it was unlikely we could meet up for Christmas, my class had a super early Christmas dinner party and a Secret Santa too.

I was still kinda stressed yesterday since I was struggling to meet the deadline for our last assignment of the day and didn't have much time for feeling good because I was just so damned tired. I caught only an hour of sleep the night before (of course its the fault of the assignment) so I was nodding off during lesson and rushing the assignment. After groaning, cursing and bullshitting, I met the deadline and submitted the assignment (HOORAY).

The Secret Santa was awesome. The gifts that my classmates got for each other were great! I got a soft toy penguin wearing a green suit for Nadia (I was her Secret Santa) and I received homemade chocolate chip cookies from Rachel. Later, I was told that Rachel lost sleep over getting the Secret Santa gift for me so naturally I vowed to get a good gift for her next year either for her birthday April 4th) or if there's ever a Secret Santa again.

I got an extra gift for my 'twin', Carmen, too. I got a puppy soft toy for her and the auntie who sold it to me was very kind; she put in a nice box and expertly sealed it with a ribbon as well as giving me a nice discount ^^ Yet, when I gave Carmen my present I couldn't help but feel both happy and sad. Why? Because yesterday was the last day Carmen would spend her life as a Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Creative Writing in TV and New Media student, with us as a classmate. The first and last time DTVM 02 will have a double birthday celebration.

I miss Carmen, of course, as well as everyone else in class. She's going to JC and I think I was right in not trying to persuade her to stay because she did tell some of us she's not really into the course anymore. It's alright, I thought, as long as she knows what she wants and if she's happy. That's what a brother should do, to not force his own will on his siblings.

Confession: The first thing I did when I arrived home yesterday was to sit down, stare at the mug Carmen gave me as my birthday present and cry. Yes, I did cry, alright and not because I love love her. I love Carmen as a sister. I mean I always wanted a twin and my wish was granted when Polytechnic started and I met Carmen. I would have broke down sooner in front of my friends yesterday when Carmen left if not for the fact that I didn't ever want to cry in front of my friends.

It's the holidays, yeah and already I realised I miss my friends in poly. I miss them a lot. Funny, as we grow older, our education years in a level (primary, secondary, tertiary) are shorter but our bonds as classmates and friends grow deeper, have you all noticed? Or maybe its just me...

One final note: I'm heading off to Malaysia tomorrow until the 14th and its my first time there. I really don't want to go actually I just want to stay at home and sleep: the last few weeks have really taken their toll on me.

P.S. The title part "Mice" is in reference to me and Carmen's Zodiac as Rats. Miss you twin sister! Hope you do well.

P.P.S. I'm alright now and am ready to relax after a strenuous term.