Tuesday 26 February 2013

A Simple Mistake can be Fatal

"Open the doors Will."
"DO IT!"
William gulped and broke out his lockpicks and wrench.He bent and started working on the locks.Matt,Aki,Zeke and Leon watched his back,eyes scanning the area for grown-ups.The scavs had chanced upon a warehouse and had decided to search it after a heated discussion.It was getting dark,and creeping into a likely empty warehouse at night was not appealing to the kids.Matt was apprehensive as well but decided to risk it.Supplies back at classroom 4/4 were running low and he wanted every possible location for supplies searched.Even a creepy warehouse didn't lower the urgency of starvation.The growing night was silent except for William's clicking with the lock.He wiped sweat of exhaustion and nervousness as he worked feverishly on the lock.

"I can't unlock it."
"What do you mean?We've been waiting forever."
"I'll have to break it."
Silence followed William's answer to Matt's question.William's last resort was used twice,with the second time resulting in the death of Kumar.His wrench created such a racket that it definitely attracted every grown-up within a kilometre.Matt though about the weaker and injured back in the class and sighed.He said dejectedly,"Do it." Leon and the rest stared at the kids' leader.Aki exploded,"What the hell Matt?We lost Kumar not two weeks ago?What if we lose another this time?" Matt rounded on her and said with his cold steely voice,"You want the others to go without food?What about Quince,Hannah and the other injured?" Aki fell silent,Matt's cold logic winning out.Zeke muttered to himself,"We're all gonna die anyway."Leon heard him and shook his head,as usual not sharing his opinion.William hefted his wrench and smashed the warehouse lock once,then twice and at the third time,broke it.He and Leon grabbed the heavy doors and pulled it open.

William peered into the cavernous space that was the inside of the warehouse.He looked a bit more and said,"I don't think theres anything in here guys." Matt pointed out they had not went in to search it yet,and the rest grudgingly agreed.Leon tossed his powerful laser to William.Just as William took two paces deeper into the warehouse,pale hands reached out from inside and grasped him.The kids' best and only lockpicker only had time to say,"Oh." Before he was pulled in.

"NO!" yelled Matt.He tried to rush in,but Zeke restrained him.Crunching started to come from the darkness.Aki and Leon rushed up with their weapons to hold off the grown-ups that emerged from the warehouse.Leon felt something roll into his shoe and realised with a pang that William had tossed out his laser back to him.The kids retreated,Matt still kicking as he was dragged away from his dying friend.Only when they were far away did they hear a single loud scream.

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