Sunday 30 June 2013

Morbid 101

The ambulance doors flew open, it's rusted chain breaking apart. Patient 101 stumbled out, coughing out the fluids that had been pumped into him. The garage doors were locked tight. The only vehicle was the ambulance he just broke out of. The other door in the cadaverous garage was the staff entrance. Patient 101 searched the dashboard of the ambulance and turned out a staff access card. He tapped it to the scanner and shuffled into the hospital.

He did not know how long he walked, noticed that he saw no one or that there were hints of struggling in several open wards and stains that were not cleaning or medicinal fluids. Patient 101 only knew that he had ended up into the Head of Surgery's office. Unconsciously , he closed the door behind him. The click alerted the delirious patient that something was wrong. He tried the handle and was rewarded by nothing. He looked around the clean office. The shelves were lined with medicinal books, papers and countless awards for 'Best Doctor' and the like. Patient 101 searched Dr. Vincent's desk, his shelves, browsed his open laptop. Nothing. His initial alarm turned to desperation. He repeated his search, ransacking the office. As 101 sank to the pristine floor among the overturned furniture, he heard a click.

The door swung open. Patient 101 ran out of the office and was secretly glad to be in the unsettling hallways of the hospital. However, this time the lights were dark. The only light working was the red light above the operation room. There was a surgery in progress which means there would be someone in this place. Someone with answers.

No one was in the operation room. The shrill tone of the flatline was overwhelming in the silence of the hospital. The other patient was covered entirely by the sheet. Blood stained the sheet, the surgical tools and over the floor. The blood was fresh so noticed by 101 when he slipped by treading on a blood stain. His desperation turned to anxiety. He could not stop his morbid curiosity as to who was under the sheet. Trembling, 101 reached out towards the sheet. Grasping it, he pulled it away, revealing the cold, dead face underneath.

Patient 101's scream echoed throughout the dark, silent hospital.

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