Friday 18 October 2013

That First Week

Hey hey it's the end of the school week and I am beat. Today was the first seven-hour tutorial and when I came back I crashed almost immediately until like half and hour ago. I spent most of the lesson reverse-engineering a storyboard: meaning I watched a video then drew up a storyboard for that video. Considering that I hate drawing humans and vehicles, I hated this exercise of course.

The first week back feels like I've never left school. SP's already feeling like home that I got used to it's hallways, people and food. Not the lessons though, since something's always different every week. I realise I've been crashing into bed everyday when I get home after school. I think to myself: My lessons aren't really that exhausting so why do I feel so tired? Answer: No clue at all. (as usual)

Tying up loose ends from last semester, the lecturers who taught us last semester and this semester reviewed our CA10 (final assignment) from their modules last semester. Only now do I know how much I screwed up my group's stop motion video (it was THAT bad, alright) and my last short story for Creative Storytelling. The new CAs lined up for us this semester are kinda terrifying. We're gonna pitch TV concepts to higher powers in the media industry and its only our FIRST year here. I'm shuddering even worse because we'll be pitching little ideas here and there every week just for practice.

What other horrors are in store? Oh, debates, research papers, creating TV concepts and loads of video-making. Sounds and is heavy, my word. With short terms, this is going to be one rushed semester.

Today was more interesting because in the MRT on the way back, I and two of my friends Nadia and Jessica started making up unbelievable stories about ourselves and went on to expand that fictional universe to our classmates. If we keep this up, this could be a running gag for the entire class. The make-up stories, or 'bullshit' (for lack of a better term), involved vampires, androids, anime characters, heavenly half-angel humans, sirens and a whole lot of mystical (and nonsensical) stuff. With luck, we'll be able to pull this off and draw the class into this. *laughs evilly

Gee, looks like I don't have much to say this time around. But from what you awesome peeps have read so far in this post, put in requests or comments to hear more and I'll try my best to recall what happened this past week and type up a more detailed post.

Thought of the day: If you could be part of the mythological universe, what kind of non-human (or part human) would you like to be?

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